Tim Brennan

Co-Founder & Chief Visionary Officer

Tim is passionate about the recruitment process and is always happy to delve deeply into lively conversation – particularly if there’s a strongly brewed cup of Irish tea in hand and hiring smarter is the topic.

In 1998, Tim founded the Brennan Group of Companies – a firm that provided training to North American businesses on strengthening their sales leadership. After years of counselling an impressive roster of clients, including Canadian Tire, Humpty Dumpty, Subway, UPS stores and Westmont Hospitality, Tim developed deep insight and understanding of the differences between top and bottom performers and how to find, hire and keep the best people.

It was this depth of experience and a chance meeting with Jan van der Hoop that ultimately evolved into the modern day Fit First® Technologies. Today, with more than two decades as Chief Visionary Officer for Fit First® Technologies, Tim is a provocative and sought-after speaker on all things hiring and retention related. He says he loves going to work every day and he never stops discovering new ways to improve the hiring process. Tim truly reserves the right to get smarter.