Put reference checks on autopilot.
References are a form of risk management and a critical piece of the full picture. Let’s face it – résumés and interviews are sales pitches. Candidates craft their message carefully, emphasizing only strengths and accomplishments. 85% of candidates fudge the truth a bit (or maybe a lot). Learning about a person from someone who’s already worked with them can uncover misrepresentations and give you the full 360° view.
The thing is, references have always been a pain to chase down. Reference Getter® saves your valuable time by automating the process for you and delivering results directly to your dashboard. Done.
Get off the phone (or just use it to watch cat videos).
Request references from your candidate, sit back, and let Reference Getter® get to work in the background. Candidates will invite their references to respond to your list of questions, and you’ll be able to view the invitation status as requested, in-progress, or declined. Once the reference is complete and submitted, you’ll receive a notification on your dashboard.
Step away from the cookie-cutter questions.
We’ll supply you with a template of questions, but feel free to customize. If you’re already using TalentSorter®, adapt the questions generated from your interview guide for your reference. This is a great way to cross-reference versions of events and get a clearer picture of your candidate.
Why are references so important?
People do tend to fluff up the content on their résumé, and COVID 19 made it difficult to interview people face-to-face. It’s much harder to get a reliable measure of the person on Zoom. That makes reference checking doubly important. Many things you may not notice in a remote interview could be revealed when checking references.