Fit First software gives you a behavioral science assessment of every applicant, predicting which candidates will start strong and stay.
Fit First software gives you a behavioral science assessment of every applicant, predicting which candidates will start strong and stay.
Hires that fit, stick.
Post your open job across all major
job boards with a simple click.
A regular posting, with a secret superpower.
In order to apply, candidates click one additional button. Which launches a Fit Predictor Assessment that’s unique to your open position and your company.
The applicant completes the assessment
and hits submit.
The applicant completes the assessment and hits submit.
If you choose, they can upload a resume too. You’ll see if they cared enough to complete the full assessment.
You see a FitScore® out of 100 for every applicant. And instantly know who fits the role.
Now you’ll be conducting fewer interviews and more one, five and ten-year celebrations.
Fit First’s patented technology screens candidates for 25 key personality traits, giving you game-changing insights that resumes can’t.
Companies Already Hiring for Fit
Try the entire set-up process for one open position – with one-click posting to major job boards included.
See your first 25 applicants sorted by FitScore®, and invite top picks to the next stage.
With a simple, one-time upgrade, see ALL applicants sorted and scored.
Free Trial Set Up requires confirmation of business information prior to posting a job.
We can white-label or integrate Fit First to seamlessly blend into your organization’s existing recruitment process. Fit First offers standard APIs for most Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and can be customized to take on any (or all) parts of your organization’s recruitment process.